welcome, introduction, the whole nine.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

my name is amber and i live in south jersey. i moved down here for school after living directly in the center of the state for 21 years, and found that this is an entirely different place. it's like north and south jersey are two different countries!

even though i've grown to love it down here, i've found that it's a bit harder to find info on certain things, namely food. sure, there are google's aggregate reviews, but i want something more substantial. i want a long, detailed review with pictures and comments on everything. honestly, i can't be bothered to read an intriguing little clip on one page, then have to spend 10 minutes signing up on another site to read the whole thing.

after enduring this aggravation for a few years now (while also finding that many new, exciting places seem to be popping up around here), i decided that i needed to just go ahead and start my own little food blog. i think i'm a pretty reliable source: i'm completely average, i am an adventurous eater but by no means a culinary expert, i run with an extremely varied crowd, and i keep it real. no fancy $100 words and obscure terms from me. i'll just give it to you the way i saw it, sometimes with a little sass.

maybe one day when i have enough posts, i'll self-publish this for fun. but for now, i'm just hoping to help someone else out there who loves to eat in south jerz (and sometimes philly) but can't find a good review.


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